I’m Faye Thompson, a third-generation Idahoan, and proud conservative Republican (with a track record to prove it!) running for Idaho State House of Representatives, Legislative District 8.
I reside in McCall with my husband of 31 years, Neal Thompson. Together we have four adult children and 11 beautiful grandchildren.
I have dedicated my working years to serving in multiple capacities that benefit our community, including through the Red Cross, Heartland Hunger Resources, and as a Pastor’s assistant. My political affiliations have led me to serve as Vice Chair and Chairwoman of the Valley County Republican Central Committee. Additionally, I am a proud NRA Life Member and serve as Secretary/Treasurer of Heartland Friends of NRA.
Vote for Faye Thompson, and I will bring constitutionally and liberty-minded representation to the House of Representatives.
Why I’m Running
Better representation, plain and simple.
If the incumbent were committed to serving the needs and interests of Conservative Idahoans throughout the legislative district, I would not seek election. Based on her voting record, I cannot sit by and watch liberal interests infiltrate Conservative Idaho. I am a third-generation Idahoan, not an establishment elitist.
Pro-Family Values
Pro-2nd Amendment
Pro-Border Security
The Issues
Balanced Representation
Legislative District 8 is made up of Valley, Boise, Custer, and Elmore Counties. The current representation of District 8 is imbalanced with two of its representatives and senator all from Elmore County, a county that is economically and culturally different from the other three.
Lower Taxes
Property taxes, especially for seniors, must be lowered. The increase in the homeowner exemption helped, but not enough for citizens on a fixed income. Additionally, the sales tax on groceries needs to be repealed. A number of cities in Idaho add a 1 percent (or more) tax on sales. This means Idaho families could pay more than 7 percent in sales tax at a time when the cost of living is at an all-time high – a burden for families that live and work in these communities.
Reduced Spending
I am a conservative through and through, which means I support fiscally responsible legislation. The state budget ballooned from $6 billion to $14 billion in just six years. The incumbent’s voting record supports unnecessary spending initiatives and reliance on federal government hand-outs. I oppose this and will work to ensure that legislation supports Idaho as a balanced, fiscally responsible run state through reduced spending, regulations, rules, and bureaucracy. I am committed to working with my fellow legislators to find a solution to rein in spending.
Early Presidential Primary
In 2023, the Legislature passed a bill that removed the March Presidential Primary election (a drop-in-the-bucket savings of $2.5 million from the state budget). In essence, we removed Idaho as being a relevant voice in the primary process. My opponent believes that Idaho is not relevant and scoffed at calls to introduce a bill to bring back the primary election, citing that presidential candidates don’t care about Idaho or its votes. I disagree! Idaho is (and always has been) relevant with 32 delegates. We have more delegates than 22 other states! We are certainly relevant and I will never carry an attitude otherwise. I will work to ensure that Idaho has a voice in matters related to the Presidential Election process.
- Citizens Alliance of Idaho
- Think Liberty Idaho PAC
- Boise County Republican Central Committee
- Custer County Republican Central Committee
- Elmore County Republican Central Committee

Contact Me
Do you have questions or concerns? Would you like to volunteer to help with my campaign?
Send me an email and let me know what issues matter most to you.